V.V Giri National Labour Institute is organizing a one day workshop on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW) and informal economy in India on 16th October 2012. The Workshop would be attended by the representatives working on FPRW and informal economy from various Ministries, ILO, NGO’s, Academicians and the Researchers working in the area of rights at work. Papers presented in the Seminar will be published in an edited volume through a reputed publication house.
FPRW is the threshold to decent work as it gives fair income, security in the workplace, equal opportunities and treatment, freedom to organize and participation in decision making. India is preparing to take suitable measures to ratify the other four conventions before the International Labour Conference to be held in the year 2015. Hence, it is a high time to examine the status of FPRW in the informal economy and the measures to be taken for ratifying the other four ILO conventions.
Date:ย 16th October 2012
Venue:ย V.V. Giri National Labour Institue, Sector-24, Noida – 201301
Broad subthemes which have been identified as the major focus of the workshop:
- Relationship between FPRW and National Law
- Child labour in the informal economy
- Forced and Bonded Labour: problems and perspectives
- Discrimination in Respect of Employment, Occupation, Gender and Wages
- Promotion of women workers rights
- Freedom of Association and Protection of the right to organise
- Trade and international labour standards
- Enforcement of labour Laws
- Sustainable and inclusive social protection
- Decent work and informal economy
- Rights deficit in the informal economy
Guidelines for submission of Abstract:
The complete papers should be sent byย 8th October, 2012ย to dhanyambala@gmail.com. Please note that there is no need to send the hard copy.
Stay Arrangement will be made in the hostel of V V. Giri National Labour Institute. The boarding and lodging will be provided by the Institute from the evening of 15th October 2012 till the morning of 17th October 2012. For extended stay or early arrival, lodging and boarding charges would be borne by the delegates.
Limited air travel by cheapest economy class will be provided to the selected paper presenters from Universities, Institutions and Organisations. Other Research Scholars (currently pursuing M.Phil/Ph.D.) whose papers are selected for presentation in the Seminar will be provide AC Three Tier train fare.
Dr. Helen R. Sekar
Phone: 0120-2412498
Email: helensekar@gmail.com
Dr. Dhanya M.B.
Phone: 0120-2411534, Ext. 206
Email: dhanyambala@gmail.com
V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Post Box. No. 68, Sector-24
Noida – 201301, Uttar Pradesh
Website: http://www.vvgnli.org