Unit 1: Computer Hardware Basics

  • Basics of Motherboard including CMOS and BIOS
  • Working of processors and types of processors
  • System memory
  • Introduction to RAM
  • System storage devices
    • Types of hard disks – FAT, NTFS, RAID etc.
    • Optical drives
    • Removable storage devices
    • Tape drives and backup systems
  • Common computer ports – Serial – Parallel – USB ports etc.
  • Different input systems – Key Board – Mouse etc.
  • Display arrays – VGA – SVGA – AGP
  • Additional display cards
  • Monitors and their types
  • Printers and their types

  • Basics of Motherboard including CMOS and BIOS:
    • Motherboard: Main circuit board connecting and facilitating communication between various hardware components.
    • CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor): Non-volatile memory storing system configuration settings.
    • BIOS (Basic Input/Output System): Firmware that initializes hardware components during the boot process.
  • Working of Processors and Types of Processors:
    • Processor (CPU): Executes instructions of a computer program.
    • Working: Fetch, decode, execute cycle.
    • Types: Central Processing Unit (CPU), Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Multi-core processors.
  • System Memory:
    • Definition: Temporary storage for data and instructions currently in use.
    • Types: RAM (Random Access Memory) and Cache.
  • Introduction to RAM:
    • RAM (Random Access Memory): Volatile memory used for active program and data storage.
    • Function: Allows quick read and write access for the CPU.
  • System Storage Devices:
    • Definition: Devices for storing data permanently.
    • Examples: Hard drives, SSDs (Solid State Drives), and hybrid drives.
  • Types of Hard Disks – FAT, NTFS, RAID, etc.:
    • File Systems: FAT (File Allocation Table), NTFS (New Technology File System).
    • RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks): Storage technology combining multiple disks for performance and redundancy.
  • Optical Drives:
    • Definition: Devices for reading and writing optical discs.
    • Examples: CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Blu-ray drives.
  • Removable Storage Devices:
    • Definition: Portable storage devices.
    • Examples: USB flash drives, external hard drives.
  • Tape Drives and Backup Systems:
    • Tape Drives: Sequential data storage devices.
    • Backup Systems: Strategies and devices for data backup.
  • Common Computer Ports – Serial – Parallel – USB Ports, etc.:
    • Serial Port: Transmits data one bit at a time.
    • Parallel Port: Transmits multiple bits simultaneously.
    • USB Port (Universal Serial Bus): Versatile port for connecting various devices.
  • Different Input Systems – Keyboard – Mouse, etc.:
    • Keyboard: Input device for typing.
    • Mouse: Pointing device for navigating on-screen.
  • Display Arrays – VGA – SVGA – AGP:
    • VGA (Video Graphics Array): Standard for video display resolution.
    • SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array): Enhanced VGA with higher resolution.
    • AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port): Interface for connecting graphics cards.
  • Additional Display Cards:
    • Graphics Cards: Enhance video and graphics performance.
  • Monitors and Their Types:
    • Monitor: Output device displaying visual information.
    • Types: CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), LED (Light Emitting Diode).
  • Printers and Their Types:
    • Printer: Output device producing hard copies.
    • Types: Laser, Inkjet, Dot Matrix.

Unit 2: Operating Systems

  • Operating system basics
    • Functions of operating system
    • Functions of Client Operating System
    • Functions of Server operating system
    • Introduction to Command line operation
  • Basics on files and directories
  • Details about system files and the boot process
  • Introduction to device drivers

  • Operating System Basics:
    • Definition: Software that manages hardware resources and provides services for computer programs.
    • Key Components: Kernel, user interface, and system utilities.
  • Functions of Operating System:
    • Resource Management: Allocation of CPU, memory, and I/O devices.
    • Process Management: Execution of processes and multitasking.
    • File System Management: Organization, storage, and retrieval of files.
    • Security and Protection: User authentication, access control, and data protection.
  • Functions of Client Operating System:
    • User Interface: Provides a platform for users to interact with the computer.
    • Peripheral Device Management: Handles devices like printers, keyboards, and mice.
    • File System Access: Allows users to create, modify, and delete files.
  • Functions of Server Operating System:
    • Network Services: Manages network connections and provides services to clients.
    • Security: Ensures data integrity and restricts access.
    • Resource Sharing: Allows multiple users to access resources simultaneously.
  • Introduction to Command Line Operation:
    • Definition: Interacting with the operating system using text commands.
    • Advantages: Resource efficiency, scripting capabilities.
  • Basics on Files and Directories:
    • File: Collection of data or information.
    • Directory (Folder): Organizational structure for files.
  • Details about System Files and the Boot Process:
    • System Files: Essential files for the operating system to function.
    • Boot Process: Sequence of events during system startup, including loading the operating system into memory.
  • Introduction to Device Drivers:
    • Definition: Software that allows the operating system to communicate with hardware devices.
    • Function: Facilitates the translation of generic commands to device-specific operations.

Unit 3: Computer Principles and a Back Box Model of the PC

  • Memory and processor
  • Address and data buses
  • Stored program concept
  • Physical components of the PC and how they fit together and interact
  • Basic electrical safety
  • Motherboards and the design of the PC
  • Dismantling and re-building PCs
  • Power On Self Test and boot sequence
    • The architecture of real mode
    • Interrupts
    • Start of boot sequence
    • Power On Self Test (POST)

  • Memory and Processor:
    • Memory: Storage for data and instructions.
    • Processor: Executes instructions and manages data processing.
  • Address and Data Buses:
    • Address Bus: Carries addresses from the processor to memory or I/O devices.
    • Data Bus: Transfers data between the processor and memory or I/O devices.
  • Stored Program Concept:
    • Definition: Instructions are stored in memory, allowing for flexible program execution.
  • Physical Components of the PC and How They Fit Together and Interact:
    • Components: CPU, RAM, storage devices, motherboard, graphics card, etc.
    • Interaction: Coordination through buses and system architecture.
  • Basic Electrical Safety:
    • Precautions: Grounding, avoiding static electricity, proper handling of components.
    • Safety Measures: Surge protectors, anti-static wrist straps.
  • Motherboards and the Design of the PC:
    • Motherboard: Main circuit board connecting all components.
    • Design Considerations: Layout for efficient communication and cooling.
  • Dismantling and Re-building PCs:
    • Skills: Identifying components, using tools, reconnecting hardware.
    • Precautions: Anti-static measures, careful handling of components.
  • Power On Self Test (POST) and Boot Sequence:
    • POST: Diagnostic test during system startup.
    • Boot Sequence: Loading the operating system into memory.
  • The Architecture of Real Mode:
    • Real Mode: Legacy mode in x86 architecture, limited to 1 MB of RAM.
    • Usage: Basic operations during system startup.
  • Interrupts:
    • Definition: Signals that temporarily suspend the normal execution of a program.
    • Purpose: Facilitate communication between hardware and software.
  • Start of Boot Sequence:
    • Boot Sequence: Initialization of hardware and loading of the operating system.
    • Steps: POST, BIOS initialization, bootloader execution.
  • Power On Self Test (POST):
    • Purpose: Diagnose and ensure that essential hardware components are functional.
    • Indicators: Visual or audible signals for successful completion or errors.

Unit 4: Enterprise and Active Directory Infrastructure

  • Overview of Enterprise Infrastructure Integration
  • Requirement to understand the Enterprise Infrastructure
  • Enterprise Infrastructure Architecture and its components
    • Overview of Active Directory (AD)
    • Kerberos
    • LDAP
    • Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)
    • Forest
    • Domain
    • Organization Unit (OU)
    • Site Topology of a Forest
    • Trust Relationships
    • Object – Creation, Modification, Management and Deletion
      • User
      • Group
      • Computer
      • OU
      • Domain
    • Group Policy (GPO) Management
      • Structure of GPO
      • Permissions and Privileges
      • GPO Security Settings
        • Password Settings
        • Account Lockout Settings
        • Account Timeout Settings
        • USB Enable/ Disable Settings
        • Screen Saver Settings
        • Audit Logging Settings
        • Windows Update Settings
        • User Restriction Settings
      • Creation of GPO
      • Linking a GPO
      • Application of GPO
        • Linking a GPO
        • Enforcing a GPO
        • GPO Status
        • Inclusion / Exclusion of Users/ Groups in a GPO
      • Precedence of GPO
      • Loopback Processing of GPO
      • Fine-Grain Policy / Fine-Grain Password Policy
  • Addition of Windows Workstations to Domain and Group Policy Synchronization
  • Addition of Non-Windows Workstations in AD Environment
  • Integrating Finger-Print, Smart Card, RSA or secondary authentication source to Active Directory
  • Single-Sign-On Integration
  • Active Directory Hardening Guidelines

  • Overview of Enterprise Infrastructure Integration:
    • Definition: The integration of various components and systems within an organization’s network.
    • Objectives: Streamlining operations, enhancing communication, and optimizing resource utilization.
  • Requirement to Understand the Enterprise Infrastructure:
    • Knowledge Areas: Networking, security, server administration, and system architecture.
    • Benefits: Efficient troubleshooting, effective resource allocation.
  • Enterprise Infrastructure Architecture and Its Components:
    • Components: Servers, networks, storage, security devices.
    • Architecture: Design and layout of the interconnected infrastructure components.
  • Overview of Active Directory (AD):
    • Definition: Microsoft’s directory service for managing network resources.
    • Key Components: Domains, forests, domain controllers, objects.
  • Kerberos:
    • Authentication Protocol: Verifies the identities of users and services.
    • Key Feature: Ticket-based authentication.
  • LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol):
    • Protocol: Used to access and manage directory information.
    • Purpose: Query and modify directory services.
  • Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT):
    • Function: Initial ticket obtained during the Kerberos authentication process.
    • Use: Grants access to the Ticket Granting Service (TGS).
  • Forest:
    • Definition: A collection of one or more Active Directory domains.
    • Purpose: Defines the security and administrative boundaries.
  • Domain:
    • Definition: A logical group of network objects, including users and devices.
    • Purpose: Organizes and centralizes administrative control.
  • Organization Unit (OU):
    • Definition: A container within a domain used for organizing objects.
    • Purpose: Simplifies administration and delegation of authority.
  • Site Topology of a Forest:
    • Site: A defined network location connected by high-speed links.
    • Topology: Arrangement and connectivity of sites within an Active Directory forest.
  • Trust Relationships:
    • Definition: Establishing a level of trust between domains.
    • Types: One-way trust, two-way trust.
  • Object – Creation, Modification, Management, and Deletion:
    • Objects: Users, groups, computers, and organizational units.
    • Lifecycle: Creation, modification, management, and deletion processes.
  • User, Group, Computer, OU, Domain:
    • User: Represents an individual with network access.
    • Group: Collection of users with common attributes.
    • Computer: Represents a device in the network.
    • OU: Container for organizing objects.
    • Domain: A logical grouping of network objects.
  • Group Policy (GPO) Management:
    • Structure of GPO: Configuration settings and preferences.
    • Permissions and Privileges: Controlling access to GPO settings.
    • GPO Security Settings: Configurations related to security.
  • Password Settings, Account Lockout Settings, Account Timeout Settings:
    • Password Settings: Enforcing password policies.
    • Account Lockout Settings: Defining rules for account lockout.
    • Account Timeout Settings: Controlling the period of account inactivity.
  • USB Enable/Disable Settings, Screen Saver Settings, Audit Logging Settings:
    • USB Enable/Disable Settings: Controlling USB device usage.
    • Screen Saver Settings: Configuring screen saver behavior.
    • Audit Logging Settings: Monitoring and logging security events.
  • Windows Update Settings, User Restriction Settings:
    • Windows Update Settings: Managing the update process.
    • User Restriction Settings: Restricting user actions and access.
  • Creation of GPO, Linking a GPO, Application of GPO:
    • Creation of GPO: Defining GPO settings.
    • Linking a GPO: Associating a GPO with an AD container.
    • Application of GPO: Enforcing GPO settings on targeted objects.
  • Enforcing a GPO, GPO Status:
    • Enforcing a GPO: Ensuring that a GPO takes precedence.
    • GPO Status: Determining the status of a GPO (Enabled, Disabled).
  • Inclusion/Exclusion of Users/Groups in a GPO, Precedence of GPO:
    • Inclusion/Exclusion: Specifying users or groups affected by a GPO.
    • Precedence of GPO: Determining the order in which GPOs are applied.
  • Loopback Processing of GPO, Fine-Grain Policy/Fine-Grain Password Policy:
    • Loopback Processing: Modifying user policy based on computer configuration.
    • Fine-Grain Policy: Granular control over policy settings.
    • Fine-Grain Password Policy: Setting password policies for specific users or groups.
  • Addition of Windows Workstations to Domain and Group Policy Synchronization:
    • Addition to Domain: Joining a Windows workstation to the Active Directory domain.
    • Group Policy Synchronization: Ensuring timely updates of GPO settings.
  • Addition of Non-Windows Workstations in AD Environment:
    • Integration: Configuring non-Windows workstations for Active Directory services.
  • Integrating Finger-Print, Smart Card, RSA, or Secondary Authentication Source to Active Directory:
    • Integration: Enabling alternative authentication methods.
    • Benefits: Enhanced security and user authentication.
  • Single-Sign-On Integration:
    • Definition: Users authenticate once and gain access to multiple systems.
    • Advantages: Convenience, improved security.
  • Active Directory Hardening Guidelines:
    • Hardening: Strengthening security measures.
    • Guidelines: Best practices for securing Active Directory.

Unit 5: Cloud Computing

  • Concept – Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
  • Types of clouds
  • Security Design and Architecture
  • Cloud Computing Service Models
    • The Characteristics of Cloud Computing
    • Multi-Tenancy Model
    • Cloud Security Reference Model
    • Cloud Computing Deploying Models
    • Cloud Identity and Access Management
      • Identity Provisioning – Authentication
      • Key Management for Access Control – Authorization
      • Infrastructure and Virtualization Security
      • Hypervisor Architecture Concerns.
    • Understanding Cloud Security
      • Securing the Cloud
      • The security boundary
      • Security service boundary
      • Security mapping
      • Securing Data
        • Brokered cloud storage access
        • Storage location and tenancy
        • Encryption
        • Auditing and compliance
        • Establishing Identity and Presence
        • Identity protocol standards

  • Concept – Fundamentals of Cloud Computing:
    • Definition: Delivery of computing services over the internet.
    • Fundamentals: On-demand resources, scalability, and pay-as-you-go pricing.
  • Types of Clouds:
    • Public Cloud: Services offered to the public by a third-party provider.
    • Private Cloud: Services dedicated to a single organization.
    • Hybrid Cloud: Combination of public and private clouds.
  • Security Design and Architecture:
    • Design Principles: Robust authentication, encryption, and access controls.
    • Architecture: Layered security model, defense in depth.
  • Cloud Computing Service Models:
    • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Virtualized computing resources.
    • Platform as a Service (PaaS): Development and deployment tools.
    • Software as a Service (SaaS): Complete software applications.
  • The Characteristics of Cloud Computing:
    • On-Demand Self-Service: Users can provision resources as needed.
    • Broad Network Access: Accessible over the network through various devices.
    • Resource Pooling: Resources shared among multiple users.
    • Rapid Elasticity: Easily scales up or down based on demand.
    • Measured Service: Usage is monitored, and users pay for what they consume.
  • Multi-Tenancy Model:
    • Definition: Multiple users share the same resources.
    • Efficiency: Improved resource utilization.
    • Isolation: Security mechanisms to ensure tenant separation.
  • Cloud Security Reference Model:
    • Framework: Defines security concepts and relationships.
    • Components: Asset security, access security, data security.
  • Cloud Computing Deploying Models:
    • Public Cloud: Owned and operated by a third-party provider.
    • Private Cloud: Operated solely for an organization.
    • Community Cloud: Shared among several organizations.
    • Hybrid Cloud: Combination of two or more cloud models.
  • Cloud Identity and Access Management:
    • Identity Management: Establishing and managing digital identities.
    • Access Management: Controlling user access to resources.
  • Identity Provisioning – Authentication:
    • Provisioning: Managing user identities and access privileges.
    • Authentication: Verifying the identity of users.
  • Key Management for Access Control – Authorization:
    • Key Management: Secure handling of cryptographic keys.
    • Authorization: Controlling access to resources based on permissions.
  • Infrastructure and Virtualization Security:
    • Infrastructure Security: Protecting the physical and virtual components.
    • Virtualization Security: Ensuring the security of virtualized environments.
  • Hypervisor Architecture Concerns:
    • Hypervisor: Software that manages virtual machines.
    • Concerns: Isolation, resource allocation, and communication.
  • Understanding Cloud Security:
    • Data Security: Protecting data at rest and in transit.
    • Network Security: Ensuring secure communication.
    • Compliance: Adhering to regulatory requirements.
  • Securing the Cloud:
    • Security Boundary: Defining limits and controls within the cloud environment.
    • Security Service Boundary: Identifying security services within the cloud.
    • Security Mapping: Aligning security measures with cloud deployment.
  • Securing Data:
    • Brokered Cloud Storage Access: Controlled access to cloud storage.
    • Storage Location and Tenancy: Determining where data is stored and who has access.
    • Encryption: Protecting data through cryptographic techniques.
  • Auditing and Compliance:
    • Monitoring: Continuous tracking of activities for auditing.
    • Compliance: Ensuring adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Establishing Identity and Presence:
    • Identity Protocol Standards: Standardized protocols for identity management.
    • Presence: Verifying the existence and status of entities in the cloud.


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