“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” – Andrew Davis

In the words of Donald Miller, an author and CEO of a marketing company, “In the age of information, ignorance is a choice”. How true! Strangely, most legal professionals averse to the idea of technology and marketing, hence completely miss out on the action.

Want to know how you can get business or increase your brand visibility? Here are a few strategies that’ll help you tap into the unexplored online market to reach new clients using digital marketing skills and techniques.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • ~ what is digital marketing & its relevance?
  • ~ how digital marketing evolved from traditional marketing?
  • ~ what advantages it offers to lawyers?
  • ~ what do you have to do to get desired results?

What is Digital Marketing?

For that first, we need to know what exactly digital marketing is. As the name suggests it is essentially marketing that uses the digital or electronic medium. To break it down these digital mediums into components, it includes Mobiles Phones, Televisions, the Internet and Search engines.

Relevance of Digital Marketing

We live in a connected world where supermarkets, pharmacy, schools, clinics, hospitals, to literally everything is available online. It would be unwise for lawyers to stay away from digital media. The time is now to take advantage of the vast benefits that digital marketing has to offer from connecting with the target audience to build new markets. All at the click of a button.

Do Lawyers really need Digital Marketing for their success?

With around 4.6 billion Internet users in the world, it is destined that the advertisements will reach out to more people.

Primarily, digital marketing is very cost-effective. An analytical survey provided that it reduced the cost up to 40% of what is spent in the traditional form of marketing.

Companies that use digital marketing have recorded up to 3 times more profits owing to this mode of marketing.

How could Lawyers use Digital Marketing?

Not sure where to start? It might be quite intimidating initially to get started with digital media. There are too many options out there.

Legal Awareness on Social Media.

When in doubt, start with a simple social media profile such as a Facebook Page, LinkedIn Profile, or Twitter account. Make some noises. Be disciplined with regular posts. Build a follower base. Use Instagram for visual posts. Make attractive posters and images giving out crisp legal information.

Build a website.

Build a website. Your website could help you establish your brand presence online. Build and maintain your website up-to-date information on the latest legal news, changes in regulations, policies, or recent court judgements.

Send out a newsletter.

Share updates. Specialised in corporate law? Design and send a weekly or monthly newsletter with the latest changes in regulations, corporate compliances, and recent judgements. Imagine how much help it would be for your target audience to receive such quality content from a lawyer.

Share your knowledge on various content platforms.

This might include blogging, writing in comments on even answering questions on platforms such as Quora.

Be part of groups on Facebook and Linkedin, participate in the discussions, and offer your advice and answers to the queries posted in such groups. This will earn brownie points from the members and establish you as an authority on the subject.

As lawyers, you’ll need to adapt to the digital transformation in helping society bridge the gap of accessible law and justice to the marginalised section of the society with relevant legal information.

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